Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lakeside Retail Merchants’ Holly Jolly Open House event Nov. 13th-14th

Attention Richmond Va. residents and those of you in the surrounding areas, I am happy to say I will be participating in the Lakeside retail merchants' Holly Jolly Open House. This will take place November 13th and 14th (Friday and Saturday) Friday offers trolly rides to select hot spots for great shopping. (the ad above is last year's so the dates are not correct for this year) Lakeside Avenue is probably less than 2 miles long but offers a great variety of unique shops and businesses. Thanks to Virginia Craft-n-istas a group of artists and crafters will be set up at the Lakeside Town Center 6114 Lakeside Ave. which is front and center of that great indoor outdoor mini shopping complex. Friday will take place 5pm to 9pm and Saturday will run from 10am to 3pm. I will only be there Saturday unfortunately.
I hope you can drop by and support local businesses and artists. Tell your friends or bring them with you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm a winner!

Just a quick shout out to Skylar's Candy Clips [yummie hair goodies and accessories]. I entered the I Heart my dog giveaway contest and won the photo portion of the contest! I will receive a felted likeness of Teddy. I cant wait and will be sure to post it here. > Please go check out Ben McFuzzylugs on Etsy. Here's a sample photo of a felted dog. I'm looking forward to mine. The other photo is a very cute hair clip holder from Skylar's shop